Motorized Vertical Blind

Motorized Vertical Blind

The versatile solution for your windows.


  1. Durable aluminum screw rod to drive.
  2. One button operation for rotating and traversing.
  3. All blinds tilt at 90 degrees when it opens or closes.
  4. Opening Direction: One way or central opening.
  5. Simple connectivity, programming and operation. Overload protection.
  6. One touch for controlling the individual or groups of blinds.
  7. Able to be integrated with home automation system.
  8. Built-in dry contact closure interface for direct connection to Automation or Smart Home System.
  9. Designed with reliability and safety – 24V DC transformer.

Motorized vertical blinds are one of the most stylish and affordable ways to cover off on a window covering solution.
Motorized vertical blinds are an ideal window covering in any office, work room or public building from point of view by the decoration and the function.

Technical Data:
Working VoltageDC 24V, 1A
Radio Frequency433.92 MHz, ASK
Load Capacity30g for each carrier stem, 30 kgs (max.)
Track LengthW5.4mxH4m (maximum)
Range of Remote Control30 m
PowerAC 100–240V, 50-60Hz